Funny, positive, informative and very entertaining.

Randy Barton for President - 8

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Randy Barton for President - 12 10/21/2008 randy's requirements for war, favorite presidents, plan to improve education, elections, candidates, presidential race, p Randy Barton for President - 13 10/20/2008 lets meet in the middle of the road, name tag night in america, pin trading, music food and you. first 100 days, declare Randy Barton for President - 18 10/27/2008 raise or lower taxes?, simplify the tax system, eliminate deductions - use rebates, where is your tax money going exactly Randy Barton for President 2 10/7/2008 the bribes roll in, campaign finance changes, term limits, money and re-election issues Randy Barton for President - 17 10/24/2008 up close and personal, a look at the candidate and his history, hollywood to peoa to park city, granger boy, sconecutter