On This Date in History
Other videos in On This Date in History
On This Date in History - October 22
1797 1st parachute jump in france, curly howard of the three stooges born 1903, 1st flu pandemic 1918 20 million died, 19
On This Date in History - October 31
1957 toyota cars arrives in usa, dan rather news broadcaster born 1931, harry houdini famous magician died 1926, sherlock
On This Date in History - October 21
ferdinand magellan explorer sailor reaches tierra del fuego 1520, thomas edison electric light bulb successful test 1879,
On This Date in History - November 20
absurdity day 2008, natzis on trial 1945 Nuremberg trials began war crimes, robert altman died 2006 nashville filmaker, t
On This Date in History - December 2
1804 napoleon crowned emperor of france, 1942 nuclear chain reaction 1942, marquis de sade died 1814, georges seurat 1859