On This Date in History - November 19
Other videos in On This Date in History
On This Date in History - November 18
1928 Mickey Mouse cartoon character Walt Disney debut, Chester Arthur american president died 1886, Man Ray died 1976, Oc
On This Date in History - November 19
Gettysburg address Abraham Lincoln presidential address 1863, James Garfield american president born 1831, Dick Cavett en
On This Date in History - October 27
nyc subway 1904 opened, theodore roosevelt born 1858 u.s. president, emily post born 1862, dylan thomas born 1914 welsh,
On This Date in History
mozart's magic flute 1791, nuclear sub nautilus 1954, robinson crusoe shipwrecked 1659, mud pack day
On This Date in History - October 22
1797 1st parachute jump in france, curly howard of the three stooges born 1903, 1st flu pandemic 1918 20 million died, 19