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On This Date in History - November 19

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On This Date in History - November 18 11/18/2008 1928 Mickey Mouse cartoon character Walt Disney debut, Chester Arthur american president died 1886, Man Ray died 1976, Oc On This Date in History - November 19 11/19/2008 Gettysburg address Abraham Lincoln presidential address 1863, James Garfield american president born 1831, Dick Cavett en On This Date in History - October 27 10/27/2008 nyc subway 1904 opened, theodore roosevelt born 1858 u.s. president, emily post born 1862, dylan thomas born 1914 welsh, On This Date in History 10/7/2008 mozart's magic flute 1791, nuclear sub nautilus 1954, robinson crusoe shipwrecked 1659, mud pack day On This Date in History - October 22 10/22/2008 1797 1st parachute jump in france, curly howard of the three stooges born 1903, 1st flu pandemic 1918 20 million died, 19