On This Date in History - November 3
Other videos in On This Date in History
On This Date in History - October 22
1797 1st parachute jump in france, curly howard of the three stooges born 1903, 1st flu pandemic 1918 20 million died, 19
On This Date in History - December 10
1901 nobel peace prizes first awarded, emily Dickinson author born 1830, chet huntley born 1911, dorothy lamour born 1914
On This Date in History - October 8
876 charles the bald defeated by louie the young, franklin pierce u.s. president 1869 died, john hancock died patriot 179
On This Date in History - October 21
ferdinand magellan explorer sailor reaches tierra del fuego 1520, thomas edison electric light bulb successful test 1879,
On This Date in History - October 27
nyc subway 1904 opened, theodore roosevelt born 1858 u.s. president, emily post born 1862, dylan thomas born 1914 welsh,