Funny, positive, informative and very entertaining.

Randy Barton for President - 3

Other videos in Randy Barton for President

Randy Barton for President - 11 10/16/2008 church & state, take me out to the ball game, presidential candidate, elections, running for office, unlikely nominee, vo Randy Barton for President 2 10/7/2008 the bribes roll in, campaign finance changes, term limits, money and re-election issues Randy Barton for President - 20 11/3/2008 past videos of randy discussing the axis of evil, foreign policy of randy barton, running for president, candidate, adeba Randy Barton for President - 7 10/9/2008 question - what would be your priority - health care reform, energy solutions or entitlements, we have a right to good he Randy Barton for President - 9 10/14/2008 patriotism, greatest nation on earth?, be the best we can be, military that calls for peace, presidential elections, poli